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Cubicle Tunnel Syndrome

Medicine and Health


Cubital tunnel syndrome happens when the ulnar nerve, which passes through the cubital tunnel (atunnel of muscle, ligament, and bone) on the inside of the elbow, becomes in a me swollen, and irritated.

Cubital tunnel syndrome causes pain that feels a lot like the pain you feel when you hit the "funnybone" inyourelbow .The "funnybone" in the elbow is actually the ulnarnerve ,anerv that crosses the elbow. The ulnar nerve starts in the side of your neck and ends in yourngers.

What are the symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome? 

The following are the most common symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome:

  • Numbnessandtinglinginthehandorringandlittlenger,especiallywhentheelbowis bent
  • Numbness and tingling at night
  • Hand pain
  • Weak grip and clumsiness due to muscle weakness in the aected armand hand
  • Aching pain on the inside of the elbow

How is cubital tunnel syndrome diagnosed?

Inadditiontoacompletemedicalhistoryandphysicalexam,diagnostictestsforcubital tunnel syndrome may include:

  • Nerve conduction test. This test measures how fast signals travel down a nerve tond a compression or constriction of the nerve.
  • Electromyogram. This test checks nerve and muscle function and may be used to test th forearm muscles controlled by the ulnar nerve. If the muscles don't work the way they should, it may be a sign that there is a problem with the ulnar nerve.
  • X-ray.Thisisdonetolookatthebonesoftheelbowandseeifyouhavearthritisorbone spurs in your elbow.

How is cubital tunnel syndrome treated?

Themosteectivetreatmentforcubitaltunnelsyndromeisstoppingtheactivitythatis causing the problem. Treatment may include:

  • Restingandstoppinganyactivitythataggravatesthecondition,suchasbendingtheelbo
  • Asplint or foam elbow brace worn at night(tolimitmovementandreduceirritation)
  • Using an elbow pad(to protect again stchronicirritation from hard surfaces)
  • Anti-inammatory medicines(such as ibuprofenornaproxen)
  • Nerve gliding exercises
  • Ifthesetreatmentsdon'twork,thehealthcareprovidermaytalktoyouaboutsurgery.

What can I do to prevent cubital tunnel syndrome?

To prevent cubital tunnel syndrome:

  • Keep your arm sexible and strong.
  • Don't restony ourelbows, especially on a hard surface.
  • Warmupbeforeexercisingorusingyourarmsforsportsorotherrepetitivemovements.

When should I call my health care provider?

Call your health care provider if you have: 

  • Pain or trouble moving that aects your regular daily activities
  • Pain doesn’t get better or gets worse with treatment
  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the armor hand

Key points about cubital tunnel syndrome

  • Cubital tunnel syndrome is a problem with the ulnar nerve, which passes through the insideoftheelbow.Itcausespainthatfeelsalotlikethepainyoufeelwhenyouhitthe "funny bone" in your elbow.
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome may happen when a person frequently bends the elbows, leans on their elbow a lot, or has an injury to the area. Arthritis, bone spurs, and previous fractures or dislocations of the elbow can also cause it. In many cases, the cause is not known.
  • Themostcommonsymptomsofcubitaltunnelsyndromearenumbness,tingling,andpa in the hand or ring and littlenger, especially when the elbow is bent. Cubitaltunnelsyndromecanbetreatedwithrestandmedicinestohelpwithpainand inammation. Exercises may help, too. In some cases, surgery may be done.