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Acute Injuries

Medicine and Health

Acute injury-

Acute and Chronic SportsInjuries

What’sthe Difference?

Whether you’re a pro athlete, weekendplayer or high school all-star,injuries can be a major setback to your whole health. Knowingthe difference betweenacute and chronicinjuries can help you learn to avoid them and keep you strong..

Acute Sports Injuries

Often, acute injuries resultfrom activities such as changingdirection suddenly while running, colliding with another playeror falling duringplay. This type of injuryhappens quickly and can be severe.

Acute injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  •  Concussion
  •  Dislocated shoulder Fracture


You may also be putting yourself at risk for acute sports injury if you’re too out of shape to play, aren’t warming-up properly, haven’t been trained properlyor are using improper equipment.

  • Symptoms of acute injuries include
  • Extreme tendernesson the injured area
  • Headache or dizziness, nausea and vomiting (concussion) Injured arm or leg won’t supportweight
  • No range of motionin a joint Odd angle in a broken bone Suddensevere pain
  • Swelling

Chronic Sports Injuries

Chronic injuriesdevelop from long-term repetitive motion in sports like long-distance running,cycling and swimming. Sometimes called overuse injuries, they result from wear and tear over time, and can be made worsethrough bad technique.

Chronic sports injuries include:

  • Achilles tendon injuries (in runners) Runner's knee
  • Stress fractures 
  • Tennis elbow

Chronic injuries have symptoms in the affected 

  • area such as: Dull ache when resting
  • Pain during activity 
  • Swellingor fluid build-up

Treatment for Acuteand Chronic SportsInjuries

For relief from an acute or chronic injury, and to reduce swelling, use the RICE method:

  • Rest to prevent further injury
  • Ice for 10-20 minutesevery 3 hours
  • Compressthe injured area to reduce swelling
  • Elevate an injuredarm or leg above the heart to reduce swelling

You can also take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin,ibuprofen or naproxen to help with the pain.

Although acute injuries are sudden, they often take weeks to heal and may require physical therapy or surgery to help you get back in shape. If not treated, acute injuries can become chronic conditions. Concussions (especially) require special evaluation by a doctor before you can returnto play. Chronic sports injuries develop over time, and it takesmore time to manage or heal them. Like acute injuries,you may need physical therapy or even surgery, dependingon

One of the best ways to avoid acute or chronic injuries is to stay in shape, improve your technique and always warm up properly. It’s also good advice to have a trusted professional

ready to help you if you do experience an injury.